North-Western European Archival Educators Network


- Amsterdam 2005
- Hamburg 2006
- Marburg 2008
- Oslo 2008

Program of the 2nd Meeting of the Network
13th-15th September 2006 in Hamburg/Germany

A short report about the meeting you can find here

Wednesday, 13th September 2006

 Short guided tour through the Hamburg State Archives
19:00Dinner at the Italian restaurant 'Rondell'.

Thursday, 14th September 2006

1. Session: The Archival Education Situation in Europe

09:00−10:30Archival Education in Germany: Between Past and Future
- Karsten Uhde (Marburg): Education in Marburg
- Rita Maria Sagstetter (Amberg): Education in Munich
- Karsten Uhde (Marburg): Education in Potsdam
10:30 − 11:00Coffee
11:00−11:30 Karsten Uhde (Marburg): One Family, but no Twins − Results of the Questionnaire about Archival Education in North-West and Central Europe
11:30−13:00Knowing Bologna − Seeing the Reality and Feeling the Need for Cooperation − The Idea of a 'Summer School 2007'
- Hans Scheurkogel (Amsterdam): A short introduction
- Julia Brüdegam and Jenny Kotte (Hamburg): Comments from a Students Point of View

2. Session: How to Deal with Electronic Records − A New Content of Archival Education

14:30−15:00Irmgard Mummenthey (Hamburg): What Kind of Archivist do we Need? Requirements of Archival Education with Special Consideration of 'Electronic Records'
15:00−15:30The Status of 'Electronic Records' within the Practical Part of Archival Education (Round table)
16:00−17:00The Status of 'Electronic Records' within the Theoretical Part of Archival Education (Round table)
19:30Dinner at the restaurant 'Deichgraf'

Friday, 15th September 2006

3. Session: Learning By Doing, or What? Experiences with Different Systems for Educating Staff without Any Formal Archival Education

09:00−09:45Christoph Graf / Gaby Knoch-Mund (Bern): New Archival Education: Switzerland
09:45−10:30Karen Anderson (Härnosand/Perth): Experiences 'Down-Under'. The Australian Way to educate Staff without any Formal Archival Education
11:00−11:20Agnes Jonker (Amsterdam): Do we need a Formal Archival Education? The Dutch Discussion
11:20−12:30Learning by Doing, Training, or what? (Round table)
12:30−13:00The Network. How to Proceed?
13:00End of the Meeting

email to Dr. Karsten Uhde
As at: 10.08.2007